Do you not get the desired sexual togetherness even after the first try because of your inadequately hard penis?
Do you not get the desired sexual togetherness even after the first try because of your inadequately hard penis?
During sex, do you feel that you are becoming more and more flabby down there, so you end it unsatisfied?
These questions come to the fore in the lives of many men, especially as they get older.
Because no matter what anyone says: the quality of sexual life is very important in a relationship. If both parties receive the amount of satisfaction that is important to them, then their relationship will be balanced (of course not only
from that, but it is indeed on one of the first heyls).
For men, failure not only causes dissatisfaction, but also often a very serious mental crisis! After all, we men really believe that we are men as long as we can perform in bed. For this reason, this problem should not be taken lightly, but the first signs (failures) must be dealt with when they appear.
In such cases, the question arises as to how we should treat it? Should we go to a doctor? Perhaps we should consult a sexologist? Well, the answer is simpler than that! If there is no medical reason behind the erectile dysfunction (blood pressure, heart, etc. problem), then Strong Power Plus natural active ingredients containing capsule will bring you the solution!
But what makes Strong Power Plus male power capsules so effective in the treatment of occasional erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction)?
The primary answer is to be found in the composition. It was made using four basic ingredients found in nature to provide the best possible help for a man to overcome insufficient erection.
What ingredients does the Strong Power Plus potency-enhancing capsule contain?
- Asian ginseng root extract (Panax ginseng),
- Eleutheroccus senticosus extract (Eleutheroccus senticosus),
- common burdock fruit extract (Arctium lappa),
- dry five-leaved gynostemma extract.
I wouldn't even mention ginseng, because everyone already knows its beneficial effect on potency.
Taiga root is perhaps less well known, so let's take a look at its beneficial effects: taking it stimulates the central nervous system, supports the adrenal cortex and increases the amount of sperm. It increases the body's resistance to stress, strengthens the immune system and has a positive effect on lymph cells and low blood sugar levels.
Come on burdock! Burdock root is extremely rich in vitamins (from B1 to B6; B12; C; E) and minerals (iron; manganese; copper; phosphorus; magnesium; potassium; zinc; calcium). Thanks to its large number of active ingredients, it is an excellent antibiotic and it has an antiseptic effect. It is also very good at detoxification, blood purification and water circulation. It helps prevent atherosclerosis and reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack. It prevents bloating and constipation due to its excellent fiber content.
Finally, the five-leaf gynostemma, also known as five-leaf ginseng (Jiaougulan). According to the Chinese, the plant is simply the "plant of immortality" for our body: immune booster, mood enhancer, stress reducer, energizing, digestive regulator, supports heart function, helps with restful sleep, helps with weight loss, delays skin aging.
The Strong Power Plus potency-enhancing capsule causes the following good changes:
- the desired erection arrives quickly (after approx. 30 minutes)
- the hard erection remains even after 48-72 hours
- harder and thicker penis
- extra performance during the act
- due to short regeneration time, even more sex in a row
- more intense orgasm
After interviewing hundreds of our customers, our company recommends the following for even more effective use of the product:
1/ leave 2 hours after your meal (drink only liquid during this time) and then take the capsule/tablet
2/ after taking it, give about 1 hour more time (I know the descriptions say less time than this) before you start together
It's important for you to know! The above has been filtered from the experiences of our customers, of course there may be others who do not need to comply with the above times!